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.:: The Writer ::.

.:: Him ::.

Dancer, Lover, Brother
Commander, Teacher
22nd April 1986

.:: Grumples ::.

.:: My favourite ::.

Loves Allah.
Loves Dance.
Loves Family.
Loves Cousins.
Loves The Bitches.
Loves Dancemates.
Loves Unique Maju.
Loves SNT.
Loves P.S.
Loves Dian.Dancers.
Loves Starbucks.
Loves Film.
Loves To Be Loved.
Loves You.

.:: My hatred ::.

Detest Falsehoods.
Detest War Fanatics.
Detest To Be Hurt.
Detest Being Alone.
Detest Nosy Parkers.
Detest You.

.:: Links ::.

.:: My Past ::.

|November 2007|

|December 2007|

|January 2008|

|September 2008|

|October 2008|

|November 2008|

|December 2008|

|February 2009|

|March 2009|

|April 2009|

|May 2009|

Sunday, March 8, 2009
On Lectures & Barbies

I wish my brain is a sponge.

My first week of lectures albeit insightful was, Ibelieve, an introduction to prolong headaches and heartaches. I've decided to take a double major in Media Studies as well as Peace & Conflict Studies (International Relations). This decision of mine will see me through multiple quizzez, annoted bibliogrpahies, weekly discussions and worse of all essays. Now when was the last time I attempted an essay? Obviously 3 bloody years back! God please give me strength and a genius's brain.


One of my modules 'Introduction To Political Analysis' would have to be my favourite subject thus far. We are given case studies on the many genocides in Africa as well as historical facts of the both World Wars. I am very drawn to this subject because of my interest in the humanitarian aids and efforts that goes on in the continent.

Loneliness is a norm during this adaptation phase. Sometimes I wish there were people like Noraini to offer a hand of friendship like how she once did during my orientation at Temasek Polytechnic 6 years ago. I think I have taken for granted that every start of my journey was going to be smooth sailing since I 'believe' I know practically every body on the island. Now I am on another island and none of my Singaporean friends are in the same course as me. Gosh, I feel so lonely. These domestic students have barriers that hinders any opportunity for me to work my charm. Haha! And when I do manage to get an introduction through we end with an awkward silence and the flipping of notes-and-wait-for-lessons- to-end a.s.ap. This really sucks. I can't wait for tutorials to begin. I hope to get some true friends to make this journey even more fulfilling.

I had some time before the start of my lecture. So I sauntered around school and decided to give you a peek at how my school looks like. According to many, my school seems to look more like a University than any of the University around Queensland. I should be proud.


There is saying, 'When In Rome, Do What The Romans Do'... and we had a Barbie Evening. Barbequeing during the weekends is a norm in this island. We had great fun and delicious food. Have to thank Hana and Matt for the idea and for buying the set. Also for all those who took the challenge of preparing the charcoal, namely moi and mes frères, Fad & Matt as well as our home-econs teacher Ms Nadya. Of course not forgetting my makan-kaki Sheifztuna!


Mimin's Praying:
To understand lectures

Mimin's Gearing:
To go to the gym

Mimin's Missing:

| 3/08/2009 10:27:00 PM |

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