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.:: The Writer ::.

.:: Him ::.

Dancer, Lover, Brother
Commander, Teacher
22nd April 1986

.:: Grumples ::.

.:: My favourite ::.

Loves Allah.
Loves Dance.
Loves Family.
Loves Cousins.
Loves The Bitches.
Loves Dancemates.
Loves Unique Maju.
Loves SNT.
Loves P.S.
Loves Dian.Dancers.
Loves Starbucks.
Loves Film.
Loves To Be Loved.
Loves You.

.:: My hatred ::.

Detest Falsehoods.
Detest War Fanatics.
Detest To Be Hurt.
Detest Being Alone.
Detest Nosy Parkers.
Detest You.

.:: Links ::.

.:: My Past ::.

|November 2007|

|December 2007|

|January 2008|

|September 2008|

|October 2008|

|November 2008|

|December 2008|

|February 2009|

|March 2009|

|April 2009|

|May 2009|

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hate This Thing Calls Love...

Hate This Thing Call Love...

I sit in my bunk wondering whether I’ve done the right thing. In fact have the decisions I’ve made in life ever ‘Right’ for me...

As the thought lingers, I came face to face with memories of my past... time with ex-lovers , those coulda woulda shoulda moments & the famous Shakespeare finale, Tragedy!

Tragedy seems to have been the main episode of my life. One after another I see myself fall from what I proclaim as victory. Pounded to the ground hard & minced like beef.
Indeed I am tired. I am definitely exhausted by the constant nature of my love life. *inhales & exhales deeply*. But when will I ever call it quits? When do you say enough is enough?

It doesn’t happen quite often this thing you call LOVE. You embrace it wholeheartedly; unaware of the trap you are in. It seems to have promised eternal bliss. It may cease to be a trap, if life works out for you but if doesn’t its treacherous.

Sigh.sigh. Hate this thing call love...

| 1/30/2008 11:01:00 AM |

Monday, January 28, 2008
Dance Like A Dirvish...


With all these emotions running high when it comes to love, it’s a no wonder, they’ve decided to open P.S I LOVE YOU in theatres on Valentine’s day. So who is up for it???

As usual on a lazy Sunday, my vendetta to kill boredom left me furiously surfing the internet in search of things to do. I left the TV on just as an alternative while waiting for the pages to load. It was conveniently on STAR Movies and the movie features was ‘Meet Joe Black’. My only memory of this 1997 movie was Brad Pitt and the sensual love making scene he had with the leading actress. If I remembered clearly, this movie had a ‘special’ mention in the Friday prayers’s sermon, calling it absurd to have an angel of death fornicating with a human being. The Imam urged patrons to practice self censorship and to discourage young minds not to be too influenced by the media.

As I wait for that controversial scene to appear, I fell in love with one the dialogues the character had with his daughter...

“I want you to get swept away out there. I want you to levitate. I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dirvish...Yeah be deliriously happy or at least leave yourself open to be. I know it's a cornball thing, but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels, find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head and you listen to your heart. The truth is, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived a life at all. But you have to try, because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived."

If only what he said was true. If only falling in love is like that. I want to dance like a dirvish. That is a like state of being one with GOD. Wow.

| 1/28/2008 10:57:00 AM |

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I’ve been wanting to do a review of the latest book I read, P.S . I LOVE YOU.
I swear you should never bring this book to camp. In the moment when I was buried deep in the book, the whole office went abuzz teasing me by asking which PS (Platoon Sergeant) I was in love with. Hehe. Lame.

This book seems to be a hit among young ladies especially those who after reading it yearns for the same treatment from their partner. I believe some prefer writing letters now. Guess this medium seems easier for communication.

My boys for instance informed me that their missus were reading the book and apparently their ‘wives’ are wishing that their partners write love letters to them now. It is surprising how much an impact a book can have on a person or persons for this matter.

I am not about to go in depth because I hate writing reviews but... I can only say that it is a well written story that touches the heart and encourages the reader to be appreciative of the person he/she loves. Moral of the story: After the lost of a love one, it takes time to heal. Time to move on. And I think it is a creative way to proclaim your love by writing letters to prior to your death. And making your lover open one letter per month and urging her to carry out the duties you ask her to do. Example: To give away the clothes belonging to her your dead husband. It must have been hard.

I wished the literate male community could spend time to read this awfully romantic book. But girls I hope you don’t expect too much. Fanatic behaviour may just lead your partners to their graves. haha.

| 1/23/2008 10:54:00 AM |

Monday, January 21, 2008
Divine Enough For You?

Divine Enough For You?

I was rummaging through my bag in an attempt to locate my pen when I came across a crumbled Sony Ericsson W960I brochure. Two instances today made me feel that God has given me a sign to buy this new Sony Ericsson phone.

And as I glanced up after reading the contents of the brochure (acknowledging that it was way beyond my budget) lo and behold the whole MRT cabin stretch had promo stickers of that same phone.

Bemused by the whole moment, I can’t help myself but laughed. I am convinced that Sony Ericsson is trying a whole new technique of branding. Divine Advertising. With all this desperate measures, they should promote HEAVEN. Hehe. Well done, Well done indeed.
Oh yeah it is in my wishlist... ahem...

| 1/21/2008 10:42:00 AM |

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